Lightweight Aluminium Composite Panels For Architects & Interior Designers

Mykon manufactures lightweight aluminium composite panels with a 78% light transmittance value for architects and interior designers.

Light is vital not only in its ability to transform space but also due to the different appearances and contrasts it can produce. Mykon believe that light is the most versatile resource available to architects and interior designers. Our panels come in a range of shapes and sizes so that you can decide how much light you want to use in a room. 

By placing aluminium honeycomb core between toughened glass or polycarbonate skins, Mykon have designed a striking range of products. With their geometric design and exceptionally high strength to weight ratio, they can be used perfectly in both the architectural and interior design markets.

Mykon also offer transparent and opaque solutions using different coloured skins and cores. This means we can provide an almost limitless amount of eye-catching designs.

Our unique ‘fish-eye’ effect (produced by the special way the materials are bonded) makes the panels aesthetically pleasing and still ensures privacy without forming a barrier to light.

Mykon aluminium composite panel diagram

15 great properties of Mykon panels:

  1. Lightweight
  2. Light transmitting
  3. Lower energy requirements
  4. High strength to weight ratio
  5. Transparency
  6. Sustainability (recycle & reuse)
  7. Durability
  8. Slip resistant finish
  9. Fire resistant
  10. Excellent compression and shear properties
  11. Range of core sizes
  12. Choice of external skins and finishes
  13. Aesthetically pleasing
  14. Shatter proof
  15. High impact resistance


Our panels can contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. B-Clear for example has insulating properties, a high light reflectance value, and a 78% light transmission level. This means less heat and light will be needed in the finished building, which will reduce the finished building’s impact on the environment. Our panels can also be made using recycled glass on request.

Our panels can help boost the green credentials of a property or building when used as a ‘draught door’ or inner door. This formed a key part of their use in the Zero Carbon House project in Birmingham, where they today play the vital role of retaining heat in the house when the front door is open, without blocking light.

The principles of sustainable design inform our work at every level. We collaborate closely with our clients to maximise sustainability through building forms, materials, associated services e.g. BREEAM the processes we use to bring your project to fruition.

Lightweight aluminium composite panels - B-Clear B-Clear cells2


Lightweight aluminium composite panels - B-Clear
Lightweight aluminium composite panels - CrystalGlaze CrystalGlaze cells2

Crystal Glaze

Lightweight aluminium composite panels - CrystalGlaze
Lightweight aluminium composite panels - B-Glow B-Glow cells2


Lightweight aluminium composite panels - B-Glow
Lightweight aluminium composite panels - Chillida Chillida panel2


Lightweight aluminium composite panels - Chillida
Lightweight aluminium composite panels - Mykalite Mykalite2


Lightweight aluminium composite panels - Mykalite
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